Our Coverages
Mandatory Coverage (RC)
If the client decides to decline all the coverages described above and offered by the Company, the General Transit Law requires that our vehicles have a Civil Liability coverage or damages to third parties, this damages the damages caused to third parties by an amount of US$ 2,500 / US$ 5,000 / US$ 2,500.
This protection is MANDATORY under the country’s Transit Law.
Silver Coverage (CDW + SLI)
By choosing this level of Protection, Dollar / Thrifty Car Rental is responsible for 80% of damages caused by COLISION against another vehicle.
It does not cover damages for any event other than COLISION against another vehicle. This level of protection does not cover Glass Breakage or partial thefts. In case of minor damages to U$ 1,000 / U$ 500 the responsibility is 100% of the client, this amount is known as DEDUCTIBLE.
This protection includes Third Party Liability, by accepting this, the client is protected against damages caused to third parties in the event of a COLISION for up to the amount of U$ 3,000 / U$ 6,000 / U$ 3,000 per event, as established by law. It has an 80% coverage in case of Total Vehicle Theft.
Deductible for damages: U$ 1000 / U$ 500 or 20% of damages (COINSURANCE), whichever is greater Deductible for Total Destruction *: 20%.
Gold Coverage (CDW + SLI + RDC)
By choosing this level of Protection, Dollar / Thrifty Car Rental is responsible for 100% of damages caused by COLISION against another vehicle.
It does not cover damages for any event other than COLISION against another vehicle.
This level of protection does not cover Glass Breakage or partial thefts. In case of minor damages to U$ 1,000 / U $ 500 the responsibility is 100% of the client, this amount is known as DEDUCTIBLE.
This protection includes Third Party Liability, by accepting this, the client is protected against damages caused to third parties in the event of a COLISION for up to the amount of U$ 3,000 / U$ 6,000 / U$ 3,000 per event, as established by law.
It has an 80% coverage in case of Total Vehicle Theft. Deductible for damages: U$ 1000 / U$ 500 Deductible for Total Destruction *: 20%.
Platinum Coverage (TDW + SLI + RDC + VL)
By choosing this level of protection, Dollar rent a car is responsible of 100% in case f any damages that he car rented might receive including scratches, dents, scrapings, embossing, flips, collisions with non-moving objects, collision with animals, bicycles of any other type of damages that could happen.
Third party protection (TPP) also known as liability insurance covers up to US$3,000 / US$6,000 / US$3,000. Partial loss are not covered or intentionally caused theft.
This protection covers 80% of total lossof vehicle due to theft.
I am responsable for the other 20% of car reposition value.
Does not cover partial losses due to vandalism or breaking and entering.
This protection includes windows and tires coverage. Deductible: US$100